Thursday 29 March 2012

Episode 3 : Parents Unsophisticated

"Are you a struggling creature from a middle class family trying to establish yourself in the society? Well ! Its always good to prove your affinities but not at the cost of temporal isolation from your parents. Oh!You will say now you have a very busy schedule so you hardly get a couple of minutes to share with your parents. 

Do your parents often complain  about your schedules and what if they deny meeting you in case you get to manage few hours of your so called busy schedule to have a word with them? Oh! Your sophistication sucks. Here I present a short  shared experience in my life that teaches us to value parental presence." 

Suresh, a twenty and half year old guy, lucky and fortunate to have both parents assisting him in every small way they could so that he could succeed in meeting his life goals.

His mother even after being a diabetic for last ten years runs a small sewing center stitching ladies stuff. A thick pair of hanging eye glasses pretending to cover up very clear dark and patchy scars under her eyes. Thanks to hectic sewing schedule that has invariably developed into severe neck pain. 

Father remains busy most of the time selling vegetable stuffs though he also owns a small shop selling fruits products but being at extreme corner of the street, shop hardly benefits family.

It has been years if all of three have dined together as there always existed a rare probability of meeting at one time, believe me they all stay under same roof. 

How often you have been through a situation where you see your father but have no time to  talk even a word to spell for him, just because you are in a run to reach your working place?

The only dream Suresh  had ever imagined was to provide his parents with the best delicacy no one had ever received. 

For his parents the world is just confined within the limited spatial boundaries. They don’t even have any idea about kind of diversity that does exist outside their confinements his parents have created. 
They have never been to theatre, good parks, never bought a minute thing even from a sophisticated mall.

 Most surprisingly they spend 18 hours of a day trying to adjust and compromise in solving family issues.This is what actually prevails in every low or moderate middle class family. 

 So who else should owe assurance for their fainted desires and happiness? 

Resurrecting their lost original identity may not be as  easy to mention herein.
What if your parents are not educated much? How to vanish the communication gaps if it exists? 

These were of few questions Suresh started to find answers for.

Day 16, January 2011, Suresh cracked a national level entrance securing a handsome scholarship. Life took a turn for better. His salary was more than sufficient to earn happiness for his parents .

But Suresh's excess spending habit was by the time becoming trendy. Having a coffee at Costa or Cafe coffee day was now affordable. Dining at costly restaurants became a daily routine. 

He could hardly save anything for his family. So his parents continued working.

One evening when Suresh returned back home from work he found his parents missing. Things were burnt into the house because of the fire that broke into  the house. 

Both of his parents were critically admitted in hospital as he was told by the neighbors.

He rushed for a taxi to see his parents.

Thanks to God! It was not a severe accident but the incident was equally severe to leave its impact on Suresh.

Now his routine has changed dramatically. Now he spends few hours with parents talking, caring and prefer dining together and it is not very surprising to mention that they even go to theaters now. Giving a warm water-oil neck massage is helping his mother healing neckpain.

 "So what I have realized  personally is  that owing few small things, sharing few hours can do a little but it’s really not that self-sufficient to value what our parents deserve. "

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